Week at the unitversity of Monash

2 maart 2017 - St Kilda, Australië

Last week I was working at the reception and then my manager came to me, 'Hi ginny your going on a RSA course coming Friday and come with me to university next week!' Then he walked away... I had no idea what just happened haha. I was thinking RSA is a license for working at a bar, but university? What was I supposed to do over there? Go back to school? So at the end of the day I walked to the manager and he said: hi ginny are you exited for next week?! and I was like, yeaah! well.... what are we going to do? And then he told me; next week is the first week of university for all the new students. So there will be many companies promoting to the fresh students. My manager is also manager of a bar, called 'red eye' bar. This Monday till Thursday I was supposed to work behind the bar, the managers had high expectations and had 10 people of staff. But at the end.. we maybe had like 8 customers a day. Totally not busy. So I didnt worked behind the bar, I went walking around at the campus and tried promoting the bar. We were handing out free drink cards, student cards which provides them with 20% discount anddd if they would sign up they received a 50$ beertap on their birthday! So I had this talk for like 100 times a day, 4 days in a row. I kind of liked it, and I think it went better then I though it would go!  Walking in to random groups of girls and boys and talk to them, try to let them sign up. ​It was a nice experience, good environment, lovely to meet real local Australians and meet students. I even met Dutch students from the university of Leiden who where studying in Melbourne for one semester now. It is 11:22 in the Netherlands and 21:22 in Australia. I'm tired and want to get some sleep... -Bye


1 Reactie

  1. Mom:
    4 maart 2017
    Even though for your hostel it probably was a financial disaster, for you it was a nice experience. I'm sure you did a great job.